Please read this:
If you want to
decide if you should learn this visual thinking technique
ask yourself if you are naturally very good at
keeping track of the main theme of a story,
document or presentation and can easily select keywords
which represent of main and subtopics. If so can
you visually link these main and sub topics in your
mind in such a way that you can draw conclusions,
remember the essence from your and other's viewpoint and if
you can quickly oversee what the relationships between
the topics are if they exist. If you can do this
you don't need to learn visual thinking you already are
a visual thinker!
read this:
To support this
visual thinking process you first need to learn a little
bit about how your brain works. Mindmapping is a
technique that supports visual thinking by stimulating
the cooperation between your left and right half of
your brain. Your left brain is sometimes called your
analytical brain because it is the seat of
analysis, speech, structure, language, sequence,
calculations, ratio, order, logic, numbers, details,
lines, rules and your right side of your brain is the
seat of 'the whole picture', color, dreams, 3D,
images, music, icons, patterns, rhythm, stories,
simultaneity. Left analyses bit by bit everything
that is registered, right simultaneously builds 'the
whole picture'. Left is text, right context. To help you
think visually it is worthwhile to learn mind
mapping as a writing technique. If you normally need
about 8 pages to take notes of a subject you
could get the same information on just one page
if you can mind map. The big advantage is that
you can see in one graphic at one page all
the information including all the relationships. In a
linear document if there is a relation between a topic
in page 2, 5 and 8 you must turn all